Friday, January 25, 2008

Moving on...

Life is all about moving on. A lesson that every passing second seems to whisper in our ears. A truth we forget during those bittersweet moments where we thought time stood still, those moments when life seemed to freeze and we wished it would stay so for eternity. And when these moments pass, we wake up to reality with a feeling of having been woken up with a douse of very cold water. It hurts… but it proves again that life is all about moving on…

Love, just makes the whole thing more painful. Aren’t there times we cursed ourselves for having loved something too much? And aren’t these the times when we try to let them go? The times when we have to move on? Time and time alone heals these wounds…coz like it or not, we keep moving on.

I let go of that which made my yesterday beautiful, that which left my heart bleeding today and that which I may never think of tomorrow. I burn with it, all those memories, of tears and smiles, of mirth and melancholy, of the most subtle things to the deepest promises…everything that was.. and that will never be…

I let go.. with a tear at the corner of my eye, and a faint smile tugging my lips….. I am moving on….